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Black Metal

Emissary of the Fallen Angel / Anointed in Blood & Ash Tour Dates Collide & Consolidate

We have already made it halfway through the year and thus far 2012 alone has seen a handful of great tour packages which have pillaged their way through North America, but the year is far from over and the same goes for upcoming tours and releases alike. In this case, two upcoming tours from black metal bands based on our own American soil will both be invading their way over to the west coast as summer will be drawing to a close. The ones I’m building anticipation on and making reference to here are Minnesota (now TX-based) black metal band(s) TERATISM and HELLGOAT from Georgia. These two acts alone will be starting both tours in the Midwest region and then making their way towards the Southwest and Pacific Northwest regions. Although, there is a catch – as both of these tours are separate packages and will be making their way through some of the same cities (such as Portland, San Fransisco, Los Angeles) as well as those that may differ and may be on one roster but not the other. Hence, it is crucial to take note of the dates listed on both separate flyers and also it is needless to say, speaking from a spectator’s point of view that both of these bands know how to put on an excellent live show and make every mile traveled and every cent spent absolutely worthwhile.

Emissary of the Fallen Angel tour constructed by Beyond the Dark Horizon, Hate War Productions & Negativity Records.

Anointed in Blood & Ash Tour constructed by Graveless Slumber Records.

Seattle residents will be in for a treat, as both of these tours will be simultaneously teaming up and playing on the same date in Seattle on August 4th, then parting ways to continue to spread audio terror throughout the various states in the westward region. Flyer and info for the Teratism / Hellgoat Seattle date is located HERE.

Hellgoat will also be making an appearance at the Apocalypse Fest (Gathering of Shadows alternate indoor show) in Colorado on July 27th-28th in Denver – flyer and info HERE.

I have written previously about both touring bands before, so there is a bit of background info available in some older reviews, but I do realize that as the CVLT site grows, so does its audience range of readers both nationwide and worldwide. For those who are skeptics but keen on checking out one or both of these tour packages, here is a brief run-down on both featured bands: TERATISM have been an active and strictly Satanic black metal band for 11 years, originally based in Minnesota, now with the majority of members residing in Texas at the Noisefarm studios compound where new music is actively being made and with every release comes a dose of creativity much more underlying themes below the surface of Teratism’s occult imagery and lyrical content. They always manage to deliver successfully with every record and every particle of their musical endeavors which constructs Teratism as a whole. Definitely not your typical ‘run of the mill’ black metal band who I have always thought of as pushing the envelope more than most and have not received as much credit as they deserve outside of the U.S. The same can be said for HELLGOAT – excluding the good ol’ demo days, Hellgoat are a relatively fresh new band with a new line-up which absolutely fucking destroys on stage, for a lack of better and more appropriate words. Hellgoat is a blasphemic and primitive black metal band based in Georgia who are out to conquer and destroy everything in their path. At least, that is the impression they leave and they certainly know how to do it well in a way which is neither over-the-top or in the least bit gimmicky. Words alone cannot do full justice for either of these bands, so until you become a witness for yourself, I leave you with some live footage in the meantime:

Hellgoat – “Demonic Worship of the Horned Beast” live in Charlotte, NC (05.30.12)

Teratism – “Pure Unadulterated Hate / Upon The Cusp” live in Minneapolis, MN @ Conjuring the Dark Fest II (12.05.09)

See you all on the west coast,
Tracy /

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. T. Terrorist

    July 19, 2012 at 9:20 pm

    Any additional dates or updates will be made here. For venue info on the Teratism dates, individual flyers for each can be found on their Facebook page:

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