The Stimulator is back with a new addition to the broadcasts. This episode talks about the US government’s misuse of anti-terror laws that were imposed after 9/11. The FBI turned their evil eye onto domestic groups, using terms like “eco-terrorism” and “animal enterprise terrorism,” mostly to describe acts of corporate property destruction against the petroleum, forestry and pharmaceutical industries. In a time where Anheuser-Busch is able to sponsor one of the most important political campaign events in the country, it’s not a surprise that corporate interests dictate how the government pursues and defines criminality, but that doesn’t make it any less disgusting. Stimulator talks to author Will Potter about his book Green is the New Red, where he draws parallels between the anti-Communist rhetoric of the Cold War witch hunts and the modern-day targeting of environmental and animal-rights activists. Make sure you check out this episode after the jump, and also a bonus video about how the students of Quebec won their battle against tuition hikes…Oh yeah – and don’t forget the bit about how the EU won the Nobel Peace Prize this year – that’s almost as much of a joke as Obama winning it shortly after escalating the war in Afghanistan.
I have to say – it’s a little disheartening…when I post videos like this one, which expose corporate and political corruption, and tear back the mask worn by the wealthy who run our societies, the comments are, well…lacking. When we post about Scion doing a showcase, putting on a free event with a small label, everyone’s got something to say. But apparently the rampant destruction of our freedom and our world doesn’t spark even a little outrage in our readers. Come on people, I know you’re not that apathetic!!! If you really are, challenge yourself, watch the broadcasts and ask yourself why you allow yourself not to care.
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