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Death Rock

A Modern Day Post Punk Classic!
Spectres: Nothing To Nowhere Review + Stream

Like a spectre itself, Nothing To Nowhere seeps in on a bed of reverb drenched guitars, ominous bass, echoing drums and distant, ghostly hollers. Spectres‘ music is halfway between the gloomy grace of goth and the vibrant angularity of post punk, able at the drop of a hat to ricochet from ethereal sublimity to surprisingly propulsive guitar and bass driven punk. Nothing To Nowhere touches on everything from sharp, toe-tapping minimalism to sonically layered gothic grandeur, with a production job that is absolutely spot on and surprisingly full throated vocals that lend some punk rock attitude and stadium swagger to Spectres’ somber excursions into beautifully depressing transcendence.

Nothing To Nowhere definitely feels like a lost post punk classic from the eighties record collection of an older sibling, one of those enticing albums with their mysteriously out of focus, black and white sleeves adorned with exotic SPECIAL IMPORT stickers. Back in those days you were still avowedly Punk Til Death and shunned every band that actually sang and hid behind make up instead of distortion (unless it was corpse paint), but were really too proud to admit that those strange bands with their black uniforms and songs about death actually scared you in a way that all your favourite Satanic cartoon metal bands never did.


The fact that Nothing To Nowhere can be regarded in the same breath as classics by The Damned, Siouxsie And The Banshees, Bauhaus and Sisters Of Mercy is testament to Spectres’ pedigree. Nothing To Nowhere is destined to be a cult classic because it is so much more than a nostalgia album; it is gothic post punk with an undeniable personal touch and modern sensibility, marrying the somber severity of death rock with an almost exultant, stadium-sized grandiosity. While hitting all the right reverb drenched notes to pull off a spectacularly dark and stormy atmosphere, Spectres are at the same time full of frenetic energy and rock harder than most music this eerily gorgeous could ever hope to, while also managing to be fiercely melodic and catchy as all hell, as perfectly suited for a stadium as a solitary night time stroll.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Brian Domijan

    October 9, 2013 at 3:41 pm

    thanks for turning me on to this…….has a southern deathcult vibe…..which i forgot about….but man…..i like this ……perfect time of year in october too!!!…..m/ * ^ * m/

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