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Southwest Terror Fest
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Kylesa Vs. Godhunter

Kylesa Interviews Godhunter

Are there any funny stories telling your band name to older or possibly more conservative family members.

I can’t even begin to remember all the silly stuff that has happened because of our band name, but yes, I definitely hide the name, and even the fact that I’m in a band, from my older family members. I come from a strongly Baptist family, so I’m pretty sure my grandmother still has no idea what I do. Our shirts have gotten a few kids suspended from school as well. I don’t want to see kids miss school because of us, but then again, a lot of people don’t take the time to understand that being atheist is not the same as being Satanic. The best part, hands down, about being called Godhunter is all the Christian music festivals that we get invited to. One of these days we’re just gonna show up and play one. That’ll show them…



What is a Powerbelly?

Powerbelly was written about a good friend of ours out in Texas named Joe Dudley McCoy. If you’ve toured through Texas, this dude has been to your show. You can’t miss him. He’s about 6 foot 6 and a few hundred pounds, give or take. We call him the Hossquatch. Anyway, when a man his size loves his beer like he does, you end up with a Powerbelly. He uses that thing like a snowplow at crowded shows. It’s amazing. Want to be up front? Just follow Hoss. He’s been very supportive of us from the get go, so when we were writing the last album, a lot of the lyrics on that song seemed to fit him, so we named it Powerbelly. It’s his song. We don’t play it anywhere else live.

Is song number 5 based on a true story?

Yes and no. The song title is fairly blunt, but the story is deeper than that. The lyrics are actually inspired by the Cormac McCarthy book “The Road”. So for a while before recording Wolves, we were just calling the song “The Road”. But we were somewhere on tour, I think Las Cruces or maybe Albuquerque, and we were driving through an absolutely shitty neighborhood and saw what appeared to be a hooker sleeping on a sidewalk right in the middle of the day. She looked like someone had just dumped her out of a car and left her there. We’re really not sure if she was dead, but she sure looked that way. That’s when I tweaked the title and lyrics a bit.


Who did the art for “Wolves” it’s cool.

Our album art for Wolves was done by our good friend Rudy Flores right here in Tucson. He’s been a great friend and inspiration to the band, and has contributed a lot of other art too, like shirts and stickers and such. He’s also doing the art for our upcoming album, City Of Dust, which is a loose concept album about living in a decaying desert town in the middle of nowhere and struggling to survive. While we do use other artists for stuff like splits, Rudy will always be our main guy. He just gets us, and when he does art for us, there is very little communication needed. We give him our idea, and he gives us back something perfectly suited to it. Check out more of his artwork at:

Any cool recording stories did you guys all chug beers before you started like you did in your video?

Sometimes! Our singer Charlie came in fairly buzzed for the vocals on Wolves. That was a hilarious day. We try not to get too drunk when recording though. There is time and money on the line and sometimes you have to take it seriously. That said, my band does love to drink, especially that Fireball shit that’s out now. When we were recording the new album recently, our bass played showed up hung over as fuck. Seems he was bored the night before, so he drank an entire bottle of Fireball by himself, then walked to the store for a second bottle, which he almost finished. I don’t know how you can put that much of that shit in you and still function, but he does. And we do like to slam some beers before shows. Gotta lube up the machinery a bit!

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