CVLT Nation is happy to bring you Sonic Cathedrals Vol. CX, our second mixtape curated by Belgian heavyweights OATHBREAKER! These guys really know how to put together a mix, so hit play below and let the tunes wash over you!
At the end of 2011 we did our first Sonic Cathedrals and obviously a lot has changed since then. The band Oathbreaker has changed, we have changed. So when Sean asked us to do a second series, we were more than happy to oblige. These are the songs that made their mark since the first mixtape. It’s a pretty long ride, but we felt it was worth it. We hope you enjoy them.
Stream Sonic Cathedrals Vol CX: Oathbreaker:
[audio: Cathedrals Vol CX OATHBREAKER.mp3|titles=Sonic Cathedrals Vol CX OATHBREAKER]
DOWNLOAD Sonic Cathedrals Vol CX: Oathbreaker HERE!
Sonic Cathedrals Vol CX: Oathbreaker Track List
Pete Seeger * He Lies In The American Land
Iron Reagan * Slightly Out Of Focus
Agent Orange * Living In Darkness
Magazine * The Light That Pours Out Of Me
The Cure * From The Edge Of The Deep Green Sea
Mount Eerie * House Shape
The Jesus Lizard * Trephination
Swervedriver * Last Train To Satansville
Alcest * Percees De Lumiere
PJ Harvey * The Mountain
OM * State Of Non-Return
Hessian * Plague Monger
Mortifera * Le Revenant
Morbid Angel * Where The Slime Live
Obituary * The End Complete
Pantera * Suicide Note Pt. I
Crowbar * Through A Wall Of Tears
Kickback * Cavalcare La Tigre
Blind To Faith * The World Ablaze
Ulver * Hymne I – Wolf And Fear
Disma * Spectral Domination
16 Horsepower * Hutterite Mile
Slowdive * She Calls
Michael Gira * You See Through Me
Elliott Smith * I Didn’t Understand

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