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Sonic Cathedrals Vol. CX

CVLT Nation is happy to bring you Sonic Cathedrals Vol. CX, our second mixtape curated by Belgian heavyweights OATHBREAKER! These guys really know how to put together a mix, so hit play below and let the tunes wash over you!

At the end of 2011 we did our first Sonic Cathedrals and obviously a lot has changed since then. The band Oathbreaker has changed, we have changed. So when Sean asked us to do a second series, we were more than happy to oblige. These are the songs that made their mark since the first mixtape. It’s a pretty long ride, but we felt it was worth it. We hope you enjoy them.

Stream Sonic Cathedrals Vol CX: Oathbreaker:
[audio: Cathedrals Vol CX OATHBREAKER.mp3|titles=Sonic Cathedrals Vol CX OATHBREAKER]

DOWNLOAD Sonic Cathedrals Vol CX: Oathbreaker HERE!

Sonic Cathedrals Vol CX: Oathbreaker Track List
Pete Seeger * He Lies In The American Land
Iron Reagan * Slightly Out Of Focus
Agent Orange * Living In Darkness
Magazine * The Light That Pours Out Of Me
The Cure * From The Edge Of The Deep Green Sea
Mount Eerie * House Shape
The Jesus Lizard * Trephination
Swervedriver * Last Train To Satansville
Alcest * Percees De Lumiere
PJ Harvey * The Mountain
OM * State Of Non-Return
Hessian * Plague Monger
Mortifera * Le Revenant
Morbid Angel * Where The Slime Live
Obituary * The End Complete
Pantera * Suicide Note Pt. I
Crowbar * Through A Wall Of Tears
Kickback * Cavalcare La Tigre
Blind To Faith * The World Ablaze
Ulver * Hymne I – Wolf And Fear
Disma * Spectral Domination
16 Horsepower * Hutterite Mile
Slowdive * She Calls
Michael Gira * You See Through Me
Elliott Smith * I Didn’t Understand


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