CVLT Nation is ultra excited to announce that the Sonic Cathedrals Mixtape Series Vol. XI Curated by MASAKARI goes live today! This band is one of our favorite bands and also an inspiration for what we create. From the first time we heard their album The Prophet Feeds we were hooked; then came their split with Alpinist, which just blew our brains, so now we are fiends! MASAKARI has curated a mixtape that is fucking ballistic – they really focused on unsigned bands which is also makes this mixtape even more fucking killer! Enough with my talking, read what MASAKARI has to say about their mixtape below, download Sonic Cathedrals Vol. XI after the jump & blast that motherfucker beyond loud…MAKE YOUR BRAINCELLS HEAD BANG!
To us this mixtape represents many of the up and coming bands in punk and hardcore, many of who we have had the pleasure of playing (or hopefully will soon). All of these bands are hardworking individuals who we think are writing some of the best music coming out in the last few years. Many of these bands we have become friends with, which is incredibly important to us, as we feel that the community aspect of punk/hardcore is what makes it so special. This mixtape doesn’t cover everything (if that was possible it would be 100x longer!) but covers a lot of what moves us the most. Hope you enjoy!
Stream Sonic Cathedrals Vol. XI – MASAKARI here:
[audio: Cathedrals Mixtape Series Vol. XI Curated by MASAKARI.mp3|titles=Sonic Cathedrals Vol. XI – MASAKARI]
Tracklist and download link after the jump…
Sonic Cathedrals Mixtape Series Vol. XI Curated by MASAKARI TRACKLIST:
1. Code Orange Kids : Coasts
2. Magrudergrind : Conditioned Minds
3. Full of Hell : Pile of Dead Horses
4. Alpinist : Rogen
5. Hello Bastards : Hello Bastards
6. Early Graves : Rot
7. The Secret : Double Slaughter
8. Dead in the Dirt : Burden of Life
9. Warcry : Nausea Ad Nauseam
10. Oathbreaker : Sink Into Sin – I
11. Grudges : Endless Blockheads
12. Grin and Bear It : Completely Disgusted
13. Hoax : Endgame
14. Homewrecker : Cemetary Man
15. Brain Killer : Freedom
16. Mammoth Grinder : Frozen
17. Pulling Teeth : Grudgeholder
18. Miasmal : Abduction Of The Soul
19. Scapegoat : Desolation
20. Hatred Surge : Brutal Pharmaceutical
21. Children Of God : 31 Seconds Of Blind Rage
22. Wild//Tribe : Power
23. Weekend Nachos : No Saints
24. Protestant : Swindle

October 6, 2011 at 11:21 am
reproacher should be on this!!/repr0acher
check them out, destroy everything!
October 6, 2011 at 8:26 am
So happy to see Wild//Tribe getting some respect.