I grew up in a household where music was all around me, but my mom would always say that certain people’s music should never be covered. So as I got older, I sort of put this law into effect with the sounds that I allowed into my own life. For the longest time, I thought that one band that should be left alone was JOY DIVISION – this was until I heard the CROOKED NECKS Something Must Break EP, released via Handmade Birds. They broke my law, and I’m damn happy they did, because for five songs this band was spot on in their vision of reworking some classic tunes. CROOKED NECKS conjured magic with their interpretation of “Isolation,” where they kept the music with almost the same swing as the original, but it’s the blackened vocals that give it a killer twist, they add the right emotional touch. What’s interesting about Something Must Break is you never get the sense that CROOKED NECKS are trying to become JOY DIVISION, instead they pay homage by being true to themselves. I dig their version of the “Day of the Lords” because of the instrumentation that the band used, the vocals are profound, and the way the band mixed this song is just fucking sublime. My feeling of wonderment when I heard “The Eternal” for the first time is the way I feel every time I hear CROOKED NECKS’ version. It’s rad that CROOKED NECKS had the foresight to incorporate sounds that might have been in existence when they were first made by JOY DIVISION. Something I realized while listening to this record is that the pain that Ian felt was not only in him, some of it lives in all of us, and the CROOKED NECKS have found away to channel this darkness in their own voice. Just as much as it’s due the band who created this awesome EP, respect is due to Handmade Birds for becoming a label that is constantly releasing records that defy any sort of label or laws. I know it sounds corny as fuck but laws are made to be broken, even my own!
[audio:http://staging.cvltnation.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/01-Isolation.mp3|titles=CROOKED NECKS Isolation]
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