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Death Metal


2012’s barely six weeks old and we already have a runner-up for the demo of the year: SKINFATHER‘s five-song demo named Atheos (from Ancient Greek ἄθεος: “godless, without God”) delivers old school Death Metal teaming up with really unbelievable brutal Hardcore – shit’s surely not for the weak. The guitars are packed in this specific raw and dirty Boss-HM2-sound (is there someone yelling “Entombed” in the back?), which perfectly fits the mean and fucked up riffs. Bad-ass vocals and hateful lyrics against god and his creation just complete the picture: SKINFATHER is a band to watch out for.

Read more for the full review, to listen to Atheos and to download the demo for free.


A bunch of really sick solos prove that these guys definetely did their homework when it comes down to Metal. And the riffs sound as if they’d have been found on some lost Autopsy or Dismember demo tape: Filthy and dark as they are, they crawl their way into your brain and guts and prepare your body for the next upcoming moshpart that’s going to happen as sure as the next sundowning. And fuck me, this mosh is of the heaviest kind. 

If SKINFATHER would need a comparsion I’d drop the name of Xibalba, but personally I dig SKINFATHER even more. If you wanna know how Nihilist would have sounded if they’d turned more towards the Hardcore-side of things, listen to this demo, bang your head and destroy everyone and everything while letting your most primitive instincts take control during the mosh:

Download Atheos by SKINFATHER via

SKINFATHER on Facebook:

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