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Shadows of Purgatory…
S.V. Mitchell

S. V. Mitchell paints a world that exists in darkness. His work evokes a terrible purgatory, where decaying souls await their passage, piled on one another in desperation and fear. Others are transforming themselves and finding a new power over life and death, embracing the stench of their own beauty, and leading the lost souls to their fate. This is a vision of the underworld that is both scary and sublime. While we are surrounded by horror and darkness, there is a hope, a ray of light beaming through the thick blackness. S.V. Mitchell had a near-death experience that changed the trajectory of his life, and he subsequently spent years as a tattoo artist, and living with the First Nations peoples of North America. His rich life experiences are reflected in the depth and symbolism of his work. After the jump, explore the abyss of S.V. Mitchell.

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