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Shadow Of Life…ALARIC Review

Grey melodies gather around me as the clouds of gloom float above me. What could make me feel even brighter than I already do? Alaric – this Oakland Deathrock/Post Punk band put out two 7 inches last year that are really amazing. The first song, “Animal,” starts with this eerie bassline, then killer drums come in as it begins to build. On top of all this, metallic guitar riffs bring a sinister vibe to the song. What will really draw you in to this song is the vocals – the singer has an epic voice & his lyrics are on point. “Shadow of Life” has the right amount of dispair that it actually can cheer you up. Everything about this song hits all of the right emotional buttons. Alaric’s singer cloaks your being in his angst with lyrics that will have you pondering. Musically, this song could of been a part of my life in 1984, but then again nothing about this band is dated. Alaric is alive, but the blackened blood of deathrock is flowing through their veins. They have me hanging on like a puppet on a string; only more music from them will set me free!

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