Stoned is the way of the walk, & doom is the way of the bong. Bongripper is as heavy as 666 tons of herbal delight. These Chicago doom wizards have a new gnarly 7 inch out called Sex Tape/Snuff Flim & it’s fucking off the chainmail. The first song, “Sex Tape,” is super rad – it starts off with dense bass & pounding drums, then the track steamrolls into this crusty raging punk. What’s extra killer about this song is the way distorted vocals are buried deep down in this apocalyptic blues creation. Just hearing this made me want to run for my Air Force One highness so I could fly away. “Snuff Film” starts off with this dirgy energy that feels a little creepy at first then an almost 80’s hardcore bassline kicks in. Bongripper starts fucking with your head on this track as they slow things down with stop & go resin stops. Just as I’m about to pack another bowl, the 7 inch is over…oh well, I will put it on repeat because nothing can stop the effects of this high!

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