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Seven Stories…Tracy Terrorist

Photographer: Tracy Terrorist
Site: T. Terrorist Photography
Based in: Las Vegas

Of course every image takes me back to a particular time or place, but these invoke some of the best memories I can think of. These were all taken in the course of the last 2-3 years, some of the most memorable shows and events I’ve traveled out for.


This one has always been one of my favorite shots, there actually was a barricade/walkway in the middle of this venue which separated one side of the crowd (21+) from the other, it was also made as easier access for photographers to take pictures without getting smashed and trampled on within the crowd. Of course, like any event you would need to acquire a pass or permission of some sort to get through. I wasn’t even aware of this and had been photographing from the side of the stage, trying not to get trampled or have beer spilled on me. Near the end of their set I was pretty much worn out and wanted to stick with the shots I managed to get, but then decided to take a chance and talked to one of the bouncers to let me through the walkway. He was hesitant at first but let me go through to get the shots I needed which was extremely cool of him. I was only allowed up there for about 10 minutes, but 10 minutes was all I needed to capture some noteworthy images that I still look back on and feel proud of, this one is actually hanging on my wall in front of my desk as we speak.


Iconoclast Contra / Gathering of Shadows 2010
This photo is of a band from Salt Lake City (with ex members of Ibex Throne) who play strictly heathen/war black metal, they go by the name of Iconoclast Contra and I can honestly say that out of all the bands I have seen at the Gathering of Shadows, their performance was one of the most intense and insane sets I’d ever seen. This photo was one of many I had taken of their singer Zodiac, drunk, cut up (yes, those wounds are real), and in a trance consisted of nothing but pure hate and rage during their performance. The addition of nothing but torches lit on stage adds more of an atmosphere and would probably scare the shit out of anyone who wasn’t familiar with this festival or black metal in general.

In addition to that, I have been an attendee of the Gathering of Shadows for the last 4 years, and each year has something to deliver although line-up wise there is not too much variation, but there is a great atmosphere and also certain comfort in a black metal festival held out in the middle of the wilderness (Rocky Mountain forests of Colorado). This event has been RSVP only, although the majority of attendees are already familiar with one another and maintain close friendships, band members included, no matter how far away – the gathering is a way of reuniting old comrades as well as meeting new ones. An entire weekend consisting of black metal, camping, drinking, and raging under the stars sums up GoS in a nutshell.


Autopsy / Maryland Deathfest 2010
This was my first time attending Maryland Deathfest, Autopsy was one of the main reasons I wanted to go, and they exceeded my expectations although I wasn’t expecting anything less at all. It was difficult to photograph them and I was lucky to even manage to make my way up front. The crowd was going insane and there were crowd surfers left and right, and me trying to protect my camera (as well as myself) from getting crushed and I luckily succeeded! I hadn’t acquired a photo pass for this event, so all of the photos I’d taken were behind the barricades while I watched other photographers shoot their images up close. I kept thinking how nice it must have felt to not worry about protecting your equipment or yourself from getting kicked in the back of the head from stage divers, but the end results were definitely worth it.


Katatonia is and always will be one of my favorite bands, as they have been for years. I had waited for them to come back to the states for 3 years to make up for the last tour I missed, the wait had paid off and despite the negative feedback I’d heard about some of their previous live performances, they blew my mind away and are down-to-earth people as well. For the The Whisky, having some history behind it and also being a well-known venue in Hollywood, the stage lighting is surprisingly not as great as I was expecting it to be, and I was told not to use any flash which made things a bit more difficult. I was on the media list thanks to a good friend in Dona eis Requiem who opened up for them, although there was no barricade in this venue which didn’t help – I wasn’t allowed to walk past a certain point upstairs while trying to get some shots either, it was restrictions left and right but I still managed to get the job done while getting into the music and having a drink or three at the same time. It was a wonderful night overall.


Kommandant rank at the top for one of the best visual performances I have seen in metal. You can talk to anyone who has seen them live and they will tell you that they have never seen a band that puts on a show as visually appealing as these guys have (although it should be obvious by looking at the photo above). It was my first time flying to the south for a show and I wasn’t sure what to expect other than seeing a bunch of familiar faces sharing the same stage together – almost like an ‘indoor Gathering of Shadows’ as someone put it, haha. Kommandant were one of many bands who were part of one of the best usbm line-ups in 2010 – Black Witchery, Krieg, Teratism and others partook in this line-up as well. All the way from east coast to west coast and everything in between, those in attendance drove/flew out from California, New Jersey, Florida, Chicago (where Kommandant originate from), Virgina, and various states for this show. There needs to be more festivals like this yearly, a good representation for what a real U.S. black metal show is all about.


Impiety / Rites of Darkness 2010
This wasn’t my first time in San Antonio but it was my first time attending Rites of Darkness – now one year later I find myself as the ‘official’ photographer of this amazing festival! Impiety were the last band to perform on last year’s line-up, I’m honestly not too big of most war metal bands, but they put on an exceptional performance and they managed to wake everyone up who was getting tired and/or exhausted at that point. A great band to end the night with, and also the whole festival in general was good times. I could do a whole review on the fest itself, but I think it’s safe to say that every band was driven with energy and it showed in all of their performances. I’m looking forward to returning back to Texas and also as a note – everyone that you will meet there is a die-hard and/or maniac, or both, haha. I can only expect this year’s RoD will be ten times more monumental than the previous.


Ashdautas / Black Twilight Circle Cave Ritual
This is the only photo I included that was taken in the city I live in, Las Vegas. It is almost a rarity for bands I’m excited to see to play gigs here, let alone attract a decent-sized crowd since that’s unfortunately how it has been for the last few years. This show however turned out successfully well and this was taken inside of a cave. The Black Twilight Circle originates from Southern California and consists of one or more members partaking in various projects that are a part of this circle. They mainly play shows in California although they have played house shows locally here in Vegas, but this was the first cave show for them and also for me. It was an entirely new and killer experience to say the least. Ashdautas was one of the first bands to emerge from the Black Twilight Circle, having caught their first performance years ago, I already knew what to expect although their set was ten times more intense inside large, dimly lit cave – sound powered by generators and all. I always enjoy going to gigs that are in places that are in obscure or unfamiliar territories, it is always a new experience to add on and there is always a story to tell no matter what.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Aaron

    June 14, 2011 at 8:18 pm

    Killer pictures, and that Haughm one is especially monumental.

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