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Rotten Sound – Cursed

My knowledge about Grindcore is pretty much restricted to household names everybody knows who’s interested in extreme Metal music: Napalm Death, early Carcass, Repulsion, my favourites Terrorizer, Brutal Truth, Phobia and Nasum. I mean how many variations of “playing extremely fast” are possible? Anyway, I’ve heard about Rotten Sound quite a few times, which is just impossible not to do, because they tour all the time. And I’ve also seen them live, but it just didn’t klick. Until now, where I blast Cursed through my head several times a day.

Rotten Sound - CursedCursed is, of course, a super aggressive, fast and uncompromising album. Rotten Sound blast beat themseles through approx. 80 percent of the record, and I just love it. But now and then they switch from blast beat to let’s say the typical disbeat or some mid-tempo groove, and those are the moments when Rotten Sound really gets intense. It makes me wanna smash my head through a driving car’s window. Oh and there is one very ungrindy element in one song: a short solo. No shit. But it’s totally rad. What else? Well, I really like the production of the record, heavy and punching, but not over the top. And I also dig the singers voice, it’s harsh as fuck and aggressive, but no grunts. Which I like because most of the time grunts just sound, well, a bit stupid in my ears.

Rotten Sound are able to breath fresh air into a genre that is often a very restricted one. Without getting too much into mathcore’ish guitar acrobatics, or into quoting the big names of the genre instead of writing something on their own. Fuck Death-Grind or Tech-Grind or Drum-machine Grind, mark Rotten Sound as THE Grindcore band of today.

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