Who is the motherfucking man? Lemmy is the motherfucking man, and in 2010, a radical documentary about his life was made entitled LEMMY 49% MOTHER FUCKER 51% SON OF A BITCH. Everyone knows Motörhead was the gateway band for all us punks of the early 80’s to get into metal. This film takes a good look into the things that make this human who he is and what he is not! As documentaries go, I didn’t want LEMMY to end, I was totally fascinated by the subject matter. Don’t get it twisted, there are some extra awesome interviews in this film from some very interesting characters. I can tell you that every time I have interacted with Lemmy since 1984 this dude has been pretty fucking cool! Fuck all of the talking, pour yourself a whiskey, press play and watch this historical film after the jump! CVLT Nation salutes Motörhead…
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