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If the following words cause a big grin on your face you should purchase Murder The Mountains by Red Fang: riffs, beer, roadtrips, guitar solos, epicly slow parts, more beer, cheap girls, even cheaper booze, dusty roads, abandoned villages, motorcycles, cigarettes, beer, beards, 70ies Rock, passing out on the floor, last haircut 20 years ago, weed, fuzz, hammond organ and some more beer. This record is nothing but amazingly amazing. F**K YEAH!

Murder The Mountains CoverAt first I though, well, kinda cheesy record title. And I still think it is, but I don’t care. When you see the cover you somehow know what to expect, and that’s just great, I mean who doesn’t like his Metal records look like Metal records? Then, put the record on – a sweet lead guitar is loading you into the van, and for 42 minutes you don’t have to care about your normal life anymore. Just put Murder The Mountains on, open a can of beer, lean back and nod your hairy head – life could be so easy.

Red Fang play Stoner Rock in the same vain as High On Fire or The Sword. Groovy, heavy, melodic, vintage sounding, Sabbath and Zeppelin inspired Heavy Rock with tons of solos, fuzzy distortion and hairy balls. I really don’t know what else to write, if something’s amazing it’s amazing, no mater how many words you use to describe that fact. Get Murder The Mountains better today than tomorrow.

Just check out the video to Prehistoric Dog. That song is an older one, but the video is amazing and you’ll see what Red Fang is all about:

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