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80s Hardcore

Punk History! SLASH Magazine Archive Online NOW!

One of the best times of my life was when my mom packed up all of our shit and we drove from Houston, TX back to Venice, CA. I’m pretty sure the year was around 81/82, and we moved into the Windward Motel. We actually stay in one room with a hot plate and no TV, and shared the bathroom with other people on our floor. This place was full of all kinds of weirdos, which was fine with me, because this was during the time when I was finding Punk Rock. Debbie Dub from Slash Magazine lived in our building, and one day she decided to give me every issue of the magazine she had. I was 13 and really into the SoCal hardcore scene, so I did not respect the pieces of Punk Rock she shared with me, and to this very day I regret not treating those magazines the way they deserved to be treated. Which brings me to this point – Punk Rock archivist Ryan Richardson has upload all 29 issues for the public to download for free or by donation. The L.A. underground scene owes a lot to Slash Magazine, because they believed in weirdos when no one else would…I respect all of the creative spirit that went into creating this magazine way more now!

SLASH Los Angeles, CA 1977 – 1980 29 issues Download Here!

slash_magazine_header slash_v1_n01_p01 slash_v1_n02_p01 slash_v1_n02_p24 slash_v1_n03_p01 slash_v1_n03_p16 slash_v1_n05_p01 slash_v1_n05_p07 slash_v1_n06_p01 slash_v1_n07_p24 slash_v1_n07_p29 slash_v1_n08_p27 slash_v1_n09_p05 slash_v1_n10_p01 slash_v1_n12_p16 slash_v2_n02_p01 slash_v2_n04_p44 slash_v2_n06_p01 slash_v2_n09_p01 slash_v3_n01_p01
slash_v3_n03_p01via Dangerous Minds



  1. Ira Bronson

    July 8, 2015 at 10:33 pm

    Neon Music

  2. Albert Herwindityo Wicaksono

    July 8, 2015 at 6:43 pm

    Abraham Herdyanto

  3. Skaut Glob

    July 8, 2015 at 5:50 pm

    DeadMans Decor

  4. Danisthebastard

    July 8, 2015 at 7:14 am

    Those covers are so killer!!!!!

  5. Regina Flaminica de Bestiis

    July 8, 2015 at 3:43 am

    Wicked! Thanks for this

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