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Search results for "hip hop"

Black Metal

I’m not gonna lie on this one, people. To say that I could have cared less about Abigail Williams up until last week would...

Death Metal

The latest in a long tradition of primitive death metal unearthed by Iron Bonehead Productions from the bowels of the underground extreme metal scene,...


My whole adult life, I have had a love/hate relationship with NYC. At this point in my life, I just don’t dig how it’s losing its gritty...


Photos/Video: Lewis Royden Lewis Royden Interviews Chris Alliston On the 9th October of this year, legendary head banging veterans The Melvins arrived in Manchester...


So the big question, which I might as well get out of the way, is this; What prompted you guys to re-unite yet again...


On Sunday, November 1st, the sixth edition of Dreams Were Made For Mortals comes to the St. Vitus Bar in Brooklyn. This one day...


If you’re the type of person who loves gritty, filthy, scummy music – be it nasty hardcore punk, degenerate power electronics, grimy noise rock, whatever – chances are you’ve...

80s Hardcore

Fresno is located in the heart of California. It is the fifth largest city in the best state in America. I spent over a...


An enormous and crushing production, huge riffs and an absolutely barbaric delivery have ensured e second triumphant coming of Grime, Italy’s masters of total...

Death Metal

Behold, Black Breath have returned and are poised to unleash their third full length, entitled Slaves Beyond Death, which will exhumed from the grave for all...


Originally presented during the “Approaching Posthumanism and the Posthuman” conference at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, as well as the Zom(bie) Con at Drexel...

Avant Garde

Atmospheric. Oxygenated. Watery. Elemental. Monumental. Laden with glitched out synths, humming feedback, and prime placement of simple instrument work through the labyrinth of panned-out...

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