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OLD WITCH Track Premiere & Pre-Orders Up Now!

Yesterday, the pre-orders went live for our first ever release on the Grim CVLT label, a co-production with Grimoire Cassette Cvlture – the devastating and relentless split between Old Witch and Keeper. Thanks in part to an awesome review and track premiere from Kim Kelly over at Noisey, these very limited cassettes are moving quickly, so make sure you head over to to pick up your copy. Read some of what Kim had to say below, and listen to the first track off the Old Witch side below…Pre-Order OLD WITCH // KEEPER Split HERE Now!

Old Witch tears pages from the gospel of Grief and Skepticism and sets them aflame upon a desecrated altar. Their feedback-heavy dirges ooze past the line between sludge and funeral doom; the slowly shifting riffs come accompanied by haunting synth, and pestilent vocals sporadically ring out through the fog. Track two sees them ramp up the pace and spew out some grotty death, but the main focus is on graveyard vibes and slow-motion suicide. It’s music that shudders along painfully, methodically, like a sick man walking to the gallows.




  1. Zach Bdf Moonshine

    June 16, 2015 at 6:29 pm

    this is fucking relentless sounds like a choking corpse drowning in a swamp of feces i love it

  2. Jeffry Beard

    June 16, 2015 at 6:11 am

    You piqued my interest with Grief, and Skepticism sealed the deal. This is good death/doom.

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