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Black Metal

Now Showing: Ash Borer Live!

Ash Borer is an incredibly special band. The sounds that they manipulate and create are so rich and powerful – their live performances are trance inducing and cosmically cathartic. Originally hailing from Arcata, California, they now are spread out all over the Pacific Northwest. I’ve followed this band for a number of years now. I really fucking dig and support this group of musicians. They’ve put out a bunch of Killer releases and played some of the best shows I’ve witnessed. A few years back I booked their tour kickoff show with Fell Voices in a garage in West Oakland – It was packed and a really fun time. Those two bands killed that night and im sure they did every night on tour.

I heard prior to the show that this would be one of their last Bay Area shows as Kyle(Guitarist/Vocalist) was gonna be moving away shortly. They are going to be playing Roadburn next year and after that are planning to take some time off. I have to say that’s such a killer way to go out – getting to play Europe with your best friends – doesn’t get much better than that…An MDF date would be pretty cool too. Anyway I definitely go out of my way to make sure I catch this band when they perform locally and this time was no different. They were devastatingly good, they followed Black Fucking Cancer whom ripped open a portal to hell before them in this packed hot converted ex-temple in East Oakland. Gnarly spot for shows, one of my favourite places in the Bay. It was raining and the smoke was flowing and this performance followed.



  1. Robert Dornenburg

    November 23, 2012 at 8:07 am

    It’s lame that they aren’t doing a full US tour, but such is life.

  2. Karl Thrasher

    November 22, 2012 at 4:13 pm

    “It was raining and the smoke was flowing and this performance followed”: THAT!!!

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