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Nightmare Dreamscape… Nona Limmen Photography

There is nothing more mysterious than the places the human mind goes when the body sleeps; as the limbs go limp and breathing goes deep, mists descend on our brains, shrouding our consciousness and allowing our ghosts and spirits to dance and explore. We become a character in a world of our own creation, a place strange and wonderful, a universe that is at once familiar and uncomfortable. This is the place that photographer Nona Limmen conjures with her pictures – breathtaking scenes of beauty and melancholy. Her scenes are airy and soft, but like a siren’s song there is something ominous in its tranquility, our vision blurred as if we’re not in control of our senses. Like in a dream, Limmen captures a scene that engulf us but leaves us solitary in its midst. My favorites are the series she took at Sedlec Ossuary, the skull and bone walls rippling out of the paper. You can buy prints of her work in her Etsy store, as well as items like phone cases, pillows and pendents all featuring her gorgeous photography. Follow her on Instagram for daily inspiration…


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  1. Alpha6Phinsider

    February 20, 2015 at 8:38 am

    I just took a most wonderous, beautiful trip in looking at all those pictures. Ty for sharing that gift, skill, and talent in photography and words spoken and unspoken. The models are perfect for the scenes, and beautiful. Again, ty, and awesome job!

  2. Nona Limmen

    February 20, 2015 at 8:10 am

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