CVLT Nation interviews WHITE HLLS
W – Wanderlust: We have chosen the path we are on because we are hobos at heart. There is nothing better than being on the road, traveling from town to town, performing and moving on.
H – Hedonist: We seek pleasure, that is why we fill our lives with things that bring us joy.
I – Independent: Screw trends…enough said.
T – Transformation: We seek to transform people’s lives through our music and performance in the same way that many great artists and musicians have transformed our lives for the better.
E – Exploration: Knowledge and growth are key elements to what we do. Without exploration one will not grow or become more knowledgable.
H – Hearing: We really can’t hear much anymore…
I – Iggy Pop: The man has stuck to his guns his entire career, that in and of itself is greatly admirable. He’s 67 years old and exudes more energy and enthusiasm than the majority of 20 somethings in bands today. He’s a badass…need we say more!
L – Laughter: One of the keys to life.
L – Let The Right One In: A fantastic book and chilling movie loved by us so much that we titled one of our songs after it. The title itself is an interesting concept to ponder. You are you own gatekeeper. What will you allow into your life?
S – Secret: If one revealed everything, there would be no mystery left. How boring would that be?
New WHITE HILLS album Glitter Glamour Atrocity Pre-Order HERE!

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