From the badlands of San Jose come the death/doom creatures Bruxers, who released one of the most sonically toxic EP’s of 2011. I’m going to go on record and say that this band is fucking all that, so you better recognize, because you will be hearing about them in the future. Listening to their songs is like looking at giant rock formations and wondering how they were created, because all of their songs are great wonders. You can actually see the color of heavy in their compositions, and the color is fucking blacker than black. Bruxers are smart in their songwriting – take “Muerte” for instance, it starts off with this dirty emotive riff, before transforming into the feeling of war itself. I’m impressed by their use of empathy, under their mammoth bleak chords you can hear the emotion of misery that draws you into Bruxers’ apocalyptic universe. Then they pull at your heart strings again with the intro to “Never Ending Seas,” which is a 7-minute masterpiece of smoked-filled riffs and punishing drums. This band has it all – the force of dis-beat, the sorrow of blues and the stench of dirty metal. Bruxers vocalist only adds to the torture that this band can dish out – he’s the thunder to the bands lighting. Everyone in Bruxers plays their role perfectly. The 3-song EP is only 14 minutes long, but they have the right amount of changes in their songs, so it actually feels more like six songs. If any labels are reading this, sign this band because they deserve it. It should be noted that this review was inspired by a band that is ready to take over the fucking world, so clean your ears and take heed! Check out some epic live footage after the jump by Kevin Hobbs.

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