Such formulations of shading, blackness, obscurity and detail on paper have rarely been so disturbing and fascinating to me. I am writing this not to impress or say anything which does not seem fitting. After “discovering” Maxime Taccardi’s art, I initiated several funeral doom and depressive black metal albums and stared at these for a solid 2 hours. I wanted to study each manipulative detail and it’s textures, the metaphorical meanings behind the subversive imagery, and then make an inquisition to herr Taccardi about what I couldn’t find out myself. This is kind of art I lust to make when the time feels right, and if I can fit myself into this niche would love create such ugly drawings like these. I received some select words of 6 of his works, where a decent array of mediums have been preserved in these two dimensional masterpieces. It reads in his photoalbums that ‘crayon’ was used, he’s French, and I assume this to mean pencil crayon but perhaps the eyes deceive.
Enter here for more, the end is embedded in the beginning…
Un deuil trop lourd à porter;
Un voile sombre et opaque en guise de prière avortée.
L’œil vif, inique, celui de l’accusateur;
Comme un venin acide, il a volé ton cœur.
Il te berce au sein d’un caveau putride;
Et joue avec tes sens comme cette immonde catin avec ta bite.
La mort rôde, branlante et décharnée;
Aussi grotesque que ce qui fut autrefois scellé.
Le deuil est tel une lame enfouie en plein cœur…
Rejeton de la haine, reflet de la douleur.
Des lambeaux de chair s’amoncèlent en un curieux puzzle;
Énigme de mon âme, au final on demeure toujours seul.
“Cachinus Auditur Diaboli”
Ma vie aurait dû être un empire,
Au lieu de ça, crasse, ténèbres et tristes soupirs…
So this text is speaking really well of of my state at this time.
A collective of his artwork which are most aesthetically pleasing to me… and if you are still hungry:
February 6, 2012 at 10:02 pm
Awesome stuff!! Thanks for sharing.
Mon Amour
February 6, 2012 at 9:22 pm
A talent unlike any other.
steve chapman
February 6, 2012 at 6:37 pm
WOW!this is amazing!