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Magickal Doom…Alison Lilly

Alison Lilly is from my neck of the woods, and I have to say I am very disappointed I never got the chance to see her work in person while I was living in Vancouver. Her illustrations and paintings are dark, psychedelic journeys into a world ruled by magickal doom Goddesses. Her inspiration comes from the Natural world of death and decay, where our bodies become the feast of maggots and worms and spawn a new and beautiful landscape. Lilly’s subjects have a vibrant motion in them, but at the same time are very clean in their lines and definition. The flesh melts from their bones in viscous drops and is torn from their bodies by giant worms, but while it is disturbing and provoking, her grotesque imagery is not in any way repulsive. Indeed, Lilly draws the viewer into her world with intensity. She has worked with bands like Harvest the Infection, The Almighty Excruciating Pain, Abriosis, Ancients, Black Wizard and ANION on exquisite album artwork and t-shirt graphics, and is currently working on a series she calls the Adornment series. Lilly is at the top of my list of artists for my (for now) imaginary CVLT Nation curated group show. After the jump, check out a selection of Lilly’s works…

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