Some of the best bands are the ones you know fuck all about, aren’t they? The band someone mentions and you search and search and just find maybe a mention of one EP they did on Google. But that EP is a fucking stormer and that’s all you know. Bands like that leave you wanting more. They don’t have to release another thing, that EP will be their legacy.
Wasn’t that what indie music was supposed to be at one point? Produced independently from major corporate control and not concerned with commercial success. Making the music you want to make without caring whether people liked it or not. But somewhere along the way they all sold their music down the sewer for money. Give me bands like Crow, Winter or so many other bands I know fuck all about. These just release great music, they couldn’t give two flying fucks about being popular. Anyway, getting back to the point, Luddite is one of those bands. No moody photos of the band, just ripping hardcore.
The song I really like on this EP is ‘Thorondor’ – it starts off with what I thought at first was someone shouting ‘cunts’! But after a quick check of the lyrics, they actually shout ‘C’mon.’ This is a damn good sign of a singer’s voice, when it sounds so scathing you think he is shouting obscenities at you when he’s not. This is all backed up by pounding drums, sludgy bass and discordant scorching guitars topped off with manic screaming. All very dark but not being gloomy, the music instead is pure frenzied. Very nice layout too, with a screen printed Crass-like fold out card cassette.
What else do I know about this band, absolutely fucking nothing. But they have achieved more in 6 minutes than any mainstream punk or metal band could achieve in ten albums.
July 15, 2013 at 10:37 pm
cheers, thanx Sean!