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Apocalyptic Blues

Live for Nothing…

Have you ever heard bass lines that have the slow moving stench of urban decay, but still make you think of being somewhere in the wilderness? Have you ever heard vocals that just seem like they have been mixed with blood, whiskey and THC, then spit out on to vinyl? Well
I have, because for years now I have been a human that has enjoyed the dark sonic sludge of NOOTHGRUSH. This Bay Area band formed in the mid 90’s, and totally brought the noise with their brand of crust-laden doom. They took a hiatus, but have recently reunited, and I’m really stoked about all of the new and old music this band is releasing. They recorded two epic sessions for two different radio stations in the 90’s, and Southern Lord have recently put them under the name Live for Nothing. Damn, this collection of NOOTHGRUSH songs is off the fucking chain – when you hear that groovy thick bass line join hands with the epic riff on “Derrell’s Porno Song,” it will remind you how sweet your first bong load was. On a personal level, what I like about this release is it actually sounds and feels like a proper album. Let me tell you why NOOTHGRUSH just so fucking superdelic: because every composition they create crushes any and everything. They are able to put my mind in doomtastic bliss mode because of the of the way they play Apocalyptic Blues. If you have ever traveled to the Bay Area, you would know about the seedy underbelly and working class vibe. Well, NOOTHGRUSH’s songs have the power to bring to life what it’s really like in Oaktown. There is no way to avoid it – this band puts their soul into the songs that they write, and it makes all of their songs classics. Live for Nothing is a timeless piece of sonic energy that will never age! It wouldn’t be a bad idea to collect everything that this band has recorded, because it’s all solid and will levitate your thoughts for years to come.
[audio:|titles=NOOTHGRUSH Derrell’s Porno Song]
[audio:|titles=NOOTHGRUSH Oil Removed]

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