I like my doom heavy; I like my doom meditative; I like my doom to be dripping with blackend blues. It gets into your veins, circulates your body and makes your heart pump with a monolithic heartbeat that can be heard in the underworld. This is why I’m so happy that NOOTHGRUSH got back together. This is one of my favorite Bay Area doom bands, and to see them on stage at the Power of the Riff is pretty tremendous…Today, CVLT Nation is way more than excited to be showing live footage of their most recent shows in SF and Seattle…More footage after the jump!

Noothgrush-“Live For Nothing” CD NOW AVAILABLE via Southern Lord
“Live For Nothing” is a compilation of two live on the radio broadcasts the band did in the 90s. One is from KZSU from 1996 and the other from KFJC in 1999.

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