Eli Zeger
King of Dirt by Sick/Tired
King of Dirt, the latest release from Chicago powerviolence band Sick/Tired, isn’t your typical metal release. It’s more about the energy, rather than the instrumentation.
The album is a minefield containing 30 second long explosions of lo-fi drums, grinding guitars and nightmarish screams and grumbles. “Corrosive Outburst/Anointed” is a juggernaut of speed-shifting drum patterns and growling guitar riffs. The grim “Gummo Grindin” is a deep, crusty waltz. This all leads up to the five and half minute opus “King of Dirt.” The title track is a palatial breakdown full of feedback and sludge with guitars that sound like Sigur Ros if they were cremated.
I love King of Dirt and Sick/Tired’s experimentation with metal. Their focus on the rawness of the music makes them more distinct than bands that care mostly about epic solos and complex riffage.
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