100% SO SICK!!!
When Nocturnal Cult scribe Bradley Smith said he and Sindre Solem—Obliteration frontman and Nekromantheon bassist and sometimes vocalist—were doing a crust mix, my first thought was: great. Given that Brad lives in Hawaii and Sindre lives in Norway, there was one small obstacle to overcome; the Atlantic Ocean. However, thanks to the internet they managed to compose it solely over email and here it is, with a little intro from Mr. Smith.
The In Crust We Trust compilation represents a cross-Atlantic crust duel between Sindre, Norwegian vocalist for Obliteration/Nekromantheon, and Brad, American editor Nocturnal Cult Webzine, each one trying to destroy the other by picking the most crushing or devastating crust track they can find in order to annihilate the opposition. So who wins this battle between metal brothers? Only you can decide.
1. Amebix (England) – “Arise!” (1985)
2. Axegrinder (England) – “Life Chain” (1989)
3. Holokaust (USA) – “54 Wars” (2005)
4. Hellbastard (England) – “They Brought Death” (1990)
5. World Burns To Death (USA) – “Apparatus” (2003)
6. His Hero Is Gone (USA) – “Thieves” (1996)
7. Monuments To Ruins (USA) – “Sleep Rite” (2005)
8. Morne (USA) – “Force” (2009)
9. Detestaion (USA) – “Searching for Oblivion” (1996)
10. Tragedy (USA) – “Crucifier” (2006)
11. Murderess (USA) – “Cover the Earth in Graveyards” (2009)
12. Masakari (USA) – “XII Abandoned” (2010)
13. After The Bombs (Canada) – “This is Hell” (2005)
14. The Secret (Italy) – “Weathermen” (2010)
15. Summon The Crows (Norway) – “Life is Shit” (2006)
16. From Ashes Rise (USA) – “The Mandate” (2003)
17. Sanctum (USA) – “Hault the Machine” (2008)
18. Severed Head Of State (USA) – “Dust to Dust” (2003)

July 7, 2013 at 5:29 am
However if you’re new to the genre but have an interest in it it’s a good way to find some good bands fast.
March 29, 2011 at 6:20 am
hmmm, pretty much all killers but no surprises… at all. Everyone should allready have these trax before.