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Kick In The Teeth…
Raw Hardcore Punk
GLAM Review & Download!

So here we have Barcelona’s GLAM and this 9 track MLP entitled “Veneno en sus flechas” is a pretty vicious Spanish raw hardcore punk release to say the least.

Right from the get-go the intensity on “Veneno en sus flechas” is there and the first thing you’ll probably notice is the clarity of the production but also that it’s very punchy and has an overall aggressive tone for sounding so well produced and vocals being drowned in reverb and delay. (Which I’m pretty much a sucker for haha). I REALLY dig the vocals on this release, can’t be stressed enough. The two seem to work well with each other in this release in counteracting one another and bringing it to a nice overall happy medium. Usually I’m a guy who likes his punk pretty gritty and rough sounding but this stuff is all kinds of cool. I like how to drums aren’t your typical D-Beat that carries the song like you find in just about everything.. It’s more of a straightforward type beat but doesn’t lack ferocity.


This is a very consistent release and just has overall good flow to it, from what I’ve observed here there aren’t any points throughout that felt like they lacked intensity which is a really good thing. I was very pleased with hearing this MLP and GLAM sounds like they have a good thing going for them.. If you’re a fan of the total reverb/delay-drowned-vocals- lose-your-shit-and-just-rage type of hardcore punk then I would suggest giving this a spin and seeing what you think.

Review written by -Adam Camara



  1. Gustavo Gustavson

    February 7, 2013 at 6:37 am

    this is great waking up music

  2. Surrealizm Surrealizm

    February 7, 2013 at 3:04 am


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