Enter a world of illusion with the art of István Orosz – he creates etchings and woodcuts that play tricks on human eyes. Today I’d like to show you his “Ship of Fools” series, images of centuries-old life on ships, in barns and in taverns. However, Orosz shapes his figures and spaces deliberately to create the illusion of skulls, so that when these images are seen from afar they are a series of human skulls. It’s true that death lives with us in every aspect of our lives, and with these works Orosz demonstrates this perfectly. It’s fascinating to look at these and understand that your brain is forming an image from the curve of a head or a sleeve opening. Check out his Ship of Fools collection below!
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Aleksander Urban
October 16, 2013 at 2:59 pm
I’ve checked them all and there is really the skull in every picture. Just close your eyes a bit and step back a 1 m.