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I KLATUS, “Kether”
LP Review by Ryan of Ear/Splitters

I KLATUS is a Chicago-founded trio featuring current members of Lair of the Minotaur and ex-members of Indian and Yakuza. The band is helmed by renowned artist Tom Denney on guitar and vocals who is now based in Los Angeles. That makes live activity rare for the band but still, they have been patiently crafting their new LP “KETHER” for a while now. Doom-woven riffs embody the foundation of their songs, utilizing quick, abrasive breaks of punk, sludge, and noise to avoid losing the listener’s attention.

Starting with “John of the Network,” you are slowly drawn into the first movement of KETHER. As the song reaches a climax you are transitioned into a euphoric state with an intricately crafted break until the sky comes caving in with the tail-end of the movement, until aggressively diving into the second track. The entire album can be summed into a constant feeling of tug-of-war; waves of beauty intertwined with crushing tonal aggression, briefly interrupted by moments of an angry gnawing at your ears with their faster pieces. Aside from the back and forth during this album from serenity to savagery, there is an underlying story being built through each song; you cannot make out each lyric, but the progression of sound creates a narration all it’s own guiding one through a metaphysical journey. Once you reach “Portals (Under the Lake),” you have come to a pivotal point in this audible adventure. This song breaks apart the entire album with a stunning 10-minute overture, arguably the most definitive track to illustrate I KLATUS’ ability to deliver an esoteric communion of emotion and purpose. Following such a distinct movement, they begin to descend into the madness one faces when approaching the end. The final few tracks are strategically placed to reconnect one with their surroundings and extract their projected being from the environment I KLATUS has created.

A truly unique demonstration of doom and sludge, this three-piece is bound to provide you with a fresh take on a tired genre. With so many regurgitations it is inspiring to find a group so focused on creativity and expression, even though you can rarely see them in practice. You can pick up this album on 2xLP directly from the band at

Stream and more info after the jump!


Thomas Denney, Guitar, Noise & Vocals
John E. Bohmer, Bass & Vocals
Chris Wozniak, Drums

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