Our comrade in visuals Pitfullofshit has produced yet another awesome full set – BONGZILLA as they crush the audience at The Acheron in Brooklyn on June 12th! Hit play below and get ready to watch cities fall!

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Our comrade in visuals Pitfullofshit has produced yet another awesome full set – BONGZILLA as they crush the audience at The Acheron in Brooklyn on June 12th! Hit play below and get ready to watch cities fall!
Racism is never a joke…Phil Anselmo, you straight fucking played yourself in the eyes of so many, and CVLT Nation will never support you...
via Lazer Horse There’s nothing funny about death really. But there is a lot of certainty to it. There’s not a person who’s ever...
During the first year of CVLT Nation, I was turned on to this unreal band from Wales called GHAST. Their release Terrible Cemetery was...
The Nine Inch Nails short film known as the Broken Movie is up online, but nobody knows for how long! This intense visual was...
Tien Chiek Siah
June 21, 2015 at 12:10 am
Robert Penson
June 18, 2015 at 5:22 pm
I was there!
Aj Raymundo Garcia
June 18, 2015 at 6:57 am