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Blackened Crust

Basement Chain Review + Stream

Label: Melters
Hoarders Basement Chain Tape Out Now!

Hoarders came and went and left pretty much no record of their existence outside of some promising word of mouth and a few scattered releases, including Basement Chain, their last will and testament in the form of fifteen minutes of searing, frantic, atonal noise. Released posthumously, Basement Chain is essentially a relic, but the fact that Hoarders are no longer around to harm you doesn’t make listening to them any less of a terrifying experience.


Basement Chain pretty much does sound like a recording of some feral, maladjusted species being mercifully though unpleasantly wiped from the earth. High, piercing shrieks tear out of the speakers to a clamour of crashing cymbals, rumbling fuzzed-out bass and jagged stabs of trebly dissonance.

The guitars occasionally showcase an almost garage rock vibe, albeit filtered through swaths of hardcore violence and distortion, and the vocals are pretty much straight up black metal in their screeched ferocity. Overall, Basement Chain paints a tremendous picture of a creature altogether too rabid and bloodthirsty to survive in the real world for very long. Judging from these recordings, Hoarders probably tore themselves to shreds in a blood splattered frenzy mere moments after the tape stopped rolling.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Dormition

    October 24, 2013 at 2:42 pm

    Raw as hell!

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