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Help a brother out!
Ed Barnard & Doommantia Benefit

Back when CVLT Nation was in its infancy, one of the major things that helped our site grow was the support of more experienced bloggers, and one person who helped us when he didn’t have to was Ed Barnard from DOOMMANTIA. He already ran a successful and awesome doom blog that we really admired, and he took time out of his days to blog for us and lend us a little of his street cred. We felt so lucky to have people like Ed rally around us when we were just a little guy, and now we have a chance to return the favor. I’m sure many of you have been long-time Doommantia readers, and may have already heard about the fucked up situation Ed has found himself in – he recently suffered a heart attack, and is now dealing with being evicted from his home due to his massive hospital bills.** His friends and fellow Doommantia writers are asking people to donate whatever they can to help him through this and put a roof over his head. US donors are even offered incentive in the form of a Wizardrone CD for all donations over $20. Not that any of us need incentive to help out someone who has given back so much to the underground music community. They are also putting on a benefit to raise funds for him on October 13th at Lallo’s in Knoxville, MD, with a lineup featuring Against Nature, War Injun, Fire Faithful, Ghutt, When the Deadbolt Breaks, Lord Fowl, Foghound, Ninety Ones and Akris. Also stay tuned for a Doommantia compilation coming soon. If you are a reader of CVLT Nation, just know that we wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for the support of people like Ed, so if you can spare a little to keep him going, please do so today! Click HERE to donate to the Doomantia housing/medical fund (donate button in the right sidebar)!

**When I told Sean I was going to do this post, he knew I what I was going to say: how the FUCK does this country call itself the “best place in the world” and spout off about “freedom” all the fucking time, and then turn around and hand you a bill for thousands of dollars after the most traumatic experience of your life??? I mean, you nearly die, and then you are supposed to be grateful that they kept you alive so that you can be made homeless because of the blood money you owe. It’s fucking ludicrous.

Check out info about the compilation after the jump…

DOOMMANTIA/ED BARNARD compilation will include:
Order of the Owl
Switchblade Jesus
War Iron
Iron Man
Fister (no track yet though…)
Screaming Mad Dee and Alex Vanderzeeuw
Wizard’s Beard
Bastard of the Skies
The Departure
Low Gravity
At Devil Dirt
In the Company of Serpents
Hollow Leg
War Injun
Dope Flood
Heathen Bastard

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