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Black Metal

HEAVY HOUR ((2)) –
Featuring Bruxers,Whitehorse & B.F.C.

This is going to be featuring Heavy bands I’ve had the privilege of seeing/hearing. Heavy as in Crushing, Loud, Abrasive, & Powerful bands not restricted to the confides of any one genre.


Bruxers, from San Jose, California, are (((Heavy as Fuck))). They play deathdoom drenched in filthy crust with tons of insane blasts. Half of the band shares roles in Mortuous whom along with Cerebrate – a new project featuring members of Ash Borer and Servile Sect, were playing this evening. Bruxers have a new cassette out that you can order from the band by sending an email here or here – They only pressed 100 – I highly recommend getting a copy of these cassettes as they will most definitely sell out. I’ve been listening and really digging the S/T Bruxers release over the past 2 years awaiting it’s official release. Bruxers Crush! You get the picture – now watch the video.


The mighty Whitehorse from Australia show was another awesome show that I was really happy to be able to film. I had caught them the year before at the Bzzzzzz with Godstomper, Laudanum, Vaccuum & The Burial Tide. That was a show that I looked forward to for awhile and it was an incredible show! To have the opportunity to be able to play with them and our friends this time around made it even more memorable. Here’s one of the heaviest of bands from Australia playing in one of the Heaviest Cities in the World – Oakland, California.


Black Fucking Cancer is some of the foulest, heaviest, and most punishing of the current Bay Area Black Metal bands. Thrull(Necrite, Circle of Eyes), Jason(Cyanic), & Nefarion create unholy cancerous sounds. SINNRITVALVOID shall close out the hour.

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