Under our flesh, sonic fire is flowing, immolating our forgotten thoughts…a portal into an unknown vortex has just opened in my mind. These are the kind of things that float around my brain while I listen to the new SKY BURIAL album entitled There I Saw The Grey Wolf Gaping, out now on Small Doses. The sounds and energy you will encounter while playing this record is best described by your own imagination. This is why CVLT Nation is happy to announce we are streaming two exclusive SKY BURIAL tracks below: “Shedding The Husk” & “There I Saw The Grey Wolf Gaping” .
[audio:http://staging.cvltnation.com/wp-content/audio/Shedding_the_Husk.mp3|titles=Shedding the Husk]
[audio:http://staging.cvltnation.com/wp-content/audio/There_I_Saw_the_Grey_Wolf_Gaping.mp3|titles=There I Saw the Grey Wolf Gaping]
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