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Exclusive CVLT Nation Streaming: LEECHFEAST & METH DRINKER Split 12″

Many of us live in modern environments where daily life can get you down for various reasons. This is why sometimes you need music to reflect the way you are feeling on the inside, and why I’m such a HUGE fan of SLUDGE. The labels Dry Cough Records and Raw Birth Records have joined forces to release a split that is pure, uncut, raw apocalyptic blues on some filthy downtuned shit! The two bands that will choke you out with sewer filth infused riffs are LEECHFEAST & METH DRINKER. Check out our full stream of this miserable record below and stay tuned for our full review…



Dates so far:

22nd May 2015 Aarhus, Denmark Trøjborg Beboerhus
23rd May 2015 Berlin, Germany Kastanienkeller
24th May 2015 Prague, Czech Republic 007 Club
25th May 2015 Vienna, Austria Arena w. Pentagram (us) + The Order of Israfel (swe)
26th May 2015 Krakow, Poland Kawiarnia Naukowa
27th May 2015 Leipzig, Germany Zoro
28th May 2015 Kortijk, Belgium The Pits
29th May 2015 NL TBA
30th May 2015 NL TBA
31st May 2015 NL TBA
1st June 2015 Nancy, France Grand Sauvoy
2nd June 2015 France Show needed!
3rd June 2015 Bordeaux, France Heretic Club
4th June 2015 France Show needed!
5th June 2015 Freiburg, Germany KTS
6th June 2015 Bologna, Italy Freak Out Club
7th June 2015 Ljubljana, Slovenia Klub Gromka with LEECHFEAST
8th June 2015 Budapest, Hungary Auróra
9th June 2015 Slovakia TBA
10th June 2015 Wroclaw, Poland TBA
11th June 2015 Warsaw, Poland Show needed!
12th June 2015 Vilnius, Lithuania Xi20
13th June 2015 Moscow, Russia Theatre Club
14th June 2015 St. Petersburg Capella Club


  1. Greg Bourke

    May 5, 2015 at 9:30 pm

    Wicket Murray

  2. Brandon O'Neill

    May 5, 2015 at 5:12 pm

    Who did the art for this? Looks really similar to the art on Gatecreeper’s EP so I’m gonna assume theyre by the same guy

    • Sewage

      May 6, 2015 at 9:22 pm

      Jose Angeles

  3. Joe Quesada

    May 5, 2015 at 1:51 pm

    whos releasing this split? dont wanna miss this one!

  4. Marek Řípa

    May 5, 2015 at 8:56 am

    Dětské Slzy

  5. Francisco Pereira

    May 5, 2015 at 6:41 am

    Ciro Trevisan

  6. Marko Lonnqvist

    May 5, 2015 at 3:21 am

    Updated Meth Drinker tour dates:

  7. Jukus Sepada

    May 5, 2015 at 3:13 am


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