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Apocalyptic Blues

Embrace the Cycles 7″
Nux Vomica

Revolution is blowing in the air and it’s fucking getting me hyped for the change that must come soon! For too long, the voices of dissent have not been heard, but this isn’t the case right now with all the positive movements for human justice that are taking place worldwide. I can’t speak for everyone, but I can speak for myself – music has always been my lifeline to social justice. I believe that one of the major things that scared the LAPD about the punk movement in the 80’s was the fact was that our scene called them and Reagan on their bullshit, so they had to bash our heads in! Anyway, I have said it before, one of our favorite American labels is Seattle’s Aborted Society, who are have been releasing crushing positive music since 1999. Their latest release from Portland’s Nux Vomica is a raging 7″ that has me saying I want more! This record will inject your brain with 12 minutes of off-the-hook metallic crust that will leave an indelible impression on your braincells with it’s mammoth sound. Nux Vomica’s vocals are beyond outstanding for a couple of reasons, the tone of his delivery is spot fucking on, totally raw. Something about the words that this band writes are uplifting, and inspires you to look at the world/humanity for what it is really about. Their songwriting is compelling and thought-provoking, and it’s pure sonic crust fury! Without skipping a beat, this band knows the value of melody and uses it as a weapon of change. Nux Vomica’s songs sound like they are well-built ancient audio castles that have ghosts as the gatekeepers to the afterlife. The song “Embrace the Cycles” is a killer journey that has all kinds of twists and melodic detours that keep you interested from the first sounds of feedback. The other thing about this composition is that once the drums kick in, the tune transforms into this black galloping horse that can’t be tamed and gives the oppressors a ride straight to hell! I could tell you more about the other song entitled “The Two,” but I won’t, because it’s your job to head over to Aborted Society support them and Nux Vomica.
[audio: Embrace the Cycles.mp3|titles=Nux Vomica Chalk Embrace the Cycles]

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. asdfasdf

    December 1, 2011 at 5:47 pm

    Might be worth noting that the guitarist of Ash Borer provided the photography for this thing.

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