Dylan Garrett Smith is Dylan XVX, an artist whose haunting creations have fascinated me for a long time and about whom a post is long overdue! His aesthetic is one of delicate horror – he does’t hammer you with violence and spew blood and viscera all over you, rather he hints at the possibility with menace in his fine lines and threat in his details. Dylan XVX’s work speaks to the aftermath of horror, when the bloodflow has slowed to a languid drip and the flesh is cold. This isn’t to say that his work is devoid of movement – it just has a coldness to it, and the movement is like a winter wind raising the hairs on the back of your neck. It’s funny though, because the two prints I own of his, “Belial” and “The Eyes Satisfied,” are tea-stained and painted in warm colors, but they still retain the iciness of the imagery despite their warmth. Dylan XVX is creative in his offerings – his shop carries silkscreened prints, framed paintings and most recently (although sadly sold out) broaches that look like mini framed artwork to pin on your chest, and he has also done little crucified teeth on wooden crosses. He has done a lot of exhibitions around the country the past couple of years, and currently has a piece up until 4/20 at Gristle Tattoo + Art Gallery in Brooklyn as a part of their Philias: Loved to Death group show. He has worked with bands, clothing companies and vegan bakeries, and as I look through his work I can see how it has grown over time. After the jump, check out a selection of his work, and make sure you stay in his loop because his specialty pieces sell out quick!
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Ian McHenry
March 20, 2013 at 7:50 pm
holly shit, the dude in the corn flied, with the cow skull… fucking perfect.
March 20, 2013 at 5:41 pm
Awesome Art
Lani Parker
March 20, 2013 at 5:18 am
I really like the tree staircase piece.
CVLT Nation
March 20, 2013 at 11:24 am
That’s the piece he has up for the Philias: Loved to Death show, called “A House for Agatha,” I believe it’s for sale.