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Apocalyptic Blues

Dort Ist Der Weg b/w Frozen In Ash 7″ inch…

How many times did I listen to this record on repeat? I would say around 7. It’s all good, now I know what magick sounds like, because it has manifested itself in the form of the new LOCRIAN 7 inch, released by FSS, but you can pre-order it here. Two songs, 12 minutes of heavy mind-bending sonic euphoria will occur when listening to these songs. For the A-side, they deconstruct & reconstruct Popol Vuh’s “Der Ist Der Weg” into their own blackened audio butterfly that will soar around the different dimensions of your imagination. “Der Ist Der Weg” has a transcendent vibe about it the will awaken all of the happy spirits that have been sleeping in your soul. On this track, LOCRIAN wrecks shop with their intelligent use of repetition, but I also really dig that they build into the moments were big sounds start crashing against small sounds to create ultimate sounds! The second track, “Frozen in Ash” is just freaking awesome, it’s one of my favorite LOCRIAN tunes. To me, there are 7 different levels of radness to this song – honestly it’s hard for me to focus because I’m being distracted by awesomeness. The vocals on “Frozen in Ash” sound as if the the walls in ancient catacombs have come to life & are screaming for mercy. LOCRIAN has juxtaposition down to perfection on this song, they have created this huge cave filled with tension & giant glaciers of sonic tranquility. When the guitar kicks in, this song begins to take on a whole other shape of reality, were ghosts become human again & trees are wizards that we all respect. The drums on this track are a pulse that beats through us all, no matter what state of mind we are in. I guess by now you can tell I really dig this 7″, oh yeah, did I tell you that only 500 of this record will be made?…you know what time it is!

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