DESPISE are a four piece punk/crust/metal unit from the depths of the Minneapolis underground. Their 7″ release is a line of single’s being released by Profane Existence this year.
Interview by Andy (Leffer) of War//Plague
Let’s get this party started. First off…like most all interviews let’s start with who you are, what you do and what DESPISE is up to? What does the future hold after this PE single release? Also, expand on some each of your backgrounds, and what you were involved with prior to the band.
I’m Hannah, I do vocals and write the lyrics. I moved to Minneapolis from Chicago in 2010. I played bass and did vocals in Securicor from Chicago, and also vocals in Krang.
Zach: Hopefully we can put out some full length records seeing as we have a lot of material. As for before despise. I started going to shows at age 13 or 14. Played in a band called EZ Bleeders. We were rock/metal/funk/punk so everyone hated us but we just wanted to play. Grew up in uptown Mpls around a lot of older punks.
Hi. My name is Mike. I play bass real loud. Moved to Minneapolis in 2009. It’s rad here.
What’s your thoughts on the Minneapolis punk community and how DESPISE falls into the DIY mix? There seems to be quite a good mix of punk and crust rising from the ashes of other previous projects within the Minneapolis scene. We had the 90’s and early 00’s that brought us DESTROY, STATE OF FEAR, ASSRASH, PROVOKED, PONTIUSPILATE, and needless to say MISERY, which is still going strong. Do you feel DESPISE is a part of this element of resurgence and is there still that dedicated @narcho thought process within the band?
Hannah: Definitely. Minneapolis has such a awesome punk scene/ community. So many rad bands that I have grown up listening to and have influenced me are from here.
Mike: Well, if you want my grossly unimportant opinion, the scene and the music within it are two separate entities. The music is fucking fantastic, and only getting better. So many new bands and new faces. As far as where Despise fits into everything, I think we fit right in. If I’ve learned anything about Minneapolis since I’ve lived here, it’s that it’s a weird fucking place filled with weird fucking people who like weeeeeeeeeeeiiiirrd fucking music. And if you haven’t met us, we’re a bunch of weird motherfuckers too. I fucking love it here.
Mitch: The scene has really picked up, it’s awesome to see so much activity now, it reminds me of how much was going on in the 90’s, so many awesome bands going on these days that local shows are always “stacked”, can’t even go grocery shopping without seeing people from bands or shows. It reminds me to be grateful, a lot of towns don’t have that. I definitely feel that Despise fits right in with what’s been going on.
Zach: I think Despise takes a whole different approach to the punk scene. I don’t think of our music as being punk or even being really a part of this “scene.” I don’t make music for other people. I do it because its what I want to do
I know you folks had a bit simpler sound when you began. Straight up D-beat hardcore punk, but now it seems you’ve melded into a more crust, metallic sound. Was this an evolution of the band you knew would take shape, or was it more “fly by the seat” type thing?
Hannah: I think its the result of a combination of all of us taking influence from different subgenres of punk…grind, crust, black metal, d-beat, hardcore, etc…throw it all in a mix and you get Despise.
Mitch: It’s been a pretty natural thing as far as songwriting, the musicianship has lent itself to more technical stuff without losing our roots, really had no idea it would progress that way. Stay tuned for some good old fashioned though.
Mike: We always kinda had a general idea of what we wanted the band to sound like. The first batch of songs we wrote were very black and white, crust or metal. After that, everything just kind of naturally progressed into whateverthefuck it is today. Zach is so talented when it comes to songwriting. He’s responsible for the metal parts. I just try to keep up and take care of the wicked awesome bass solos. We’ve become who we are together because that’s all we can be. Ourselves. When people ask what genre of music we play, I usually just say “loud as fuck,” because I honestly have no fucking clue haha.
Zach: Crust is fun to play, but as far as what I enjoy playing I usually drift more towards metal. Black metal at that. Probably that’s where a lot of the metallic elements of our music comes out. Definitely don’t want to take all the credit for that because everybody helps meld the song.
What’s the ideology behind the lyrics and how the music is written?
Mitch: As far as the music goes, it’s really just as simple as playing solid riffs and piecing the songs together as it sounds good. We’ll always come to a consensus before a song is finished, that way we all like the finished product. We try keeping things heavy and not being afraid to test the waters. Hannah will have to field the lyrics side.
Hannah: I write most of the lyrics…Most of which pertain to animal rights, vivisection, mental disorders, depression, drug addictions, the negative effects humans have on the planet and our ecosystem, and of course cute bunnies taking over and killing humans.
Mike: Hannah has the voice of 10,000 angels…burning alive in the fires of Hell hahahaha. Her voice is as much a part of our sound as our guitar and bass tones. But yea she takes care of the lyrics. All of our songs are about things that truly matter to us and to her. You can really hear that she means what she’s saying. We have some political stuff, animal rights, war is bad, so is jesus, blahblahblah. But the ones that stand out to me, the ones that make my cry a little every time we play them, are about real fucking shit. Like how drug addiction is killing the scene from the inside out, watching all of our friends (and ourselves) die and lose their minds right in front of us and not being able to do anything about it, that feeling of hopelessness and desperation and shame you get every morning when you wake up and realize the world is still shit. I’m really grateful that I get to make music with three, no shit, honestly good-hearted human beings.
Zach: Lyrics? We have lyrics?
Are you guys gonna tour and what about local gigs…big plans?
Mitch: Would be nice to do at least a little touring either east or west some time this year; locally, we definitely play our share. lol. Really want to get the rest of our recording released and get back in the studio, lots of newer songs. Hoping for all that this year.
Mike: I think so. I hope so. I let them do the planning for the most part. I’m down to party whenever, wherever and however long they tell me to. But yea, another 7″ comin out soon, followed by what is bound to be the most epic full length record you’ll be listening to while you listen to it as long as you’re not playing a more epic record at the same time.
Hannah: We are planning on touring the east coast this summer. Hopefully the south and west coast after that. We’ve been playing a lot of local shows lately, especially with the release of the 7″. Hoping to record again soon!
Let’s end this interview the normal way. Last words or comments for the world?
Hannah: Up the punks! Ha.
Mitch: Thanks to Profane Existence for releasing the EP. We can be contacted via Facebook or despisecrust@gmail we’ll have some merch available online soon.
Mike: Be yourself. Fuck anyone who tells you you’re not cool or not good enough. This shit belongs to all of us. And if we want it to live forever, we need every single one of you. Oh yea. And dont be a dick. Seriously. Why the fuck can’t we all just get along? Yea. Sorry. Fuck everything. upthapuuunnnxxxxx.
You can find more info about DESPISE at
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