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Deep in the skin: the fine art of tattooing

In the stone age, cave men used to brand and paint on themselves for status reasons using their hunting weapons. They were a symbol of accomplishments, traits, and performed in rituals. The essence of their markings had huge meaning at the time, yet they didn’t have near the same conception of art, if at all. Now unfortunately, the mainstream tattoo culture is more of a business, lacking in substance, there always remains the spirit of real appreciation for the art. For some it is a cleansing, or a rite of passage. With it comes entwined meaning, history, and visual appeal. Have a gander below at some fine works demonstrating many different style of tattoos inspired by Chris Moyen art, some painful branding and pagan depictions shot by Metalographer and some by Norwegian artist Trine Grimm, with more here.




Check out the gallery here


1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Black Shuck

    December 16, 2011 at 10:07 am

    These are all wicked awesome.

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