Black distortion, black feedback, black noize, now I give you MOWER, this sleazy d-thrash band is kick ass plain & simple! This Pittsburgh band does not play their songs, they just fucking charge through them at break bones speed. When I listen to this band, I can hear & see the blackened flame coming off the guitar. MOWER have a couple different tempos to their d-boogie jams: fast, faster & just all out lightspeed. I really dig the singer – he has this snotty attitude that sounds epic. The band’s drummer plays like a freaking fucking maniac high on a ton of meth. This is the type of music to start your day & you might beat up a cop! One more thing, if you say you like d-beat & don’t like MOWER, get your ears checked. There is one big favor I want from this band, get the in studio & smash out an album, this will make me all warm inside! THE END (go HERE to download!).
MOWER : Death’s Breath
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