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80s Hardcore

Dead in the Bay 2015: Bay Area Underground Metal Compilation May Just Be the Best of the Year!

Three awesome dudes from the Oakland-based grindcore band Infinite Waste (namely madmen Jamison, Kevin, and Matt) were rad enough to have the brilliant idea to put together a compilation of Bay Area-based bands to give out for free at this year’s first edition of California Deathfest this weekend in Oakland, to show visitors and outsiders attending the fest how awesome the local scene is. So months ago, they set out to accomplish the project, reaching out to bands and breaking their backs to put together this all-star team. The result went beyond what anyone would have imagined: a double disk, for over thirty bands, each one bringing to the table their own brand of extreme metal, and materializing in the end one of the best underground metal comps to see the light all year. Ranging from gridncore to death metal, to doom, crust, black metal, ambient, hardcore and noise, in this comp there is pretty much everything your metal-heart could dream of and pretty much all of the Bay’s best bands showcasing their craft all in one place. Som examples? Brainoil, Vastum, Cyanic, Badr Vogu… The list goes on and on. You can read Jamison, Kevin and Matt’s intent about this amazing project here. Below is the mind-blowing lineup of Dead in the Bay 2015, and if you plan on attending CDF 2015 make sure you pick up a copy (CD) for FREE from the dudes or get the digital version as “pay-what-you-want” from Bandcamp. And of course, enjoy the almost two hours of endless heaviness coming out of this comp!


01. Bog OakPhantasm (03:35)
02. Infinite WasteAffluenza (02:34)
03. ControlYou Will Know Me (01:23)
04. AugursFrom Maggots to Fly (04:28)
05. DeathgraVe – Brutal 01:46
06. Genocide SkinRuinous (02:15)
07. ApocryphonHidden Altars (03:59)
08. CyanicUntitled (02:03)
09. Negative VortexCicuta (05:51)
10. Wild HuntIllimitable Corridors (06:10)
11. Souls and CitiesGhost of Barry White II (03:28)
12. DimeslandInstitutional Gears (04:21)
13. IonWaters of Dusk (07:14)
14. CormorantSold as Crow (06:14)
15. Torture ChamberAngels (07:48)
16. Void OmniaAd Infinitum (07:39)
17. AkatharsiaHerd Vaccination (02:11)
18. AbruptSymptoms of Rage (03:57)
19. Leather GloveSkin on Glass (03:54)
20. InvertebrateFvck Pvnk! Fvck Grind! Drive Scion! (00:51)
21. VastumSpirit Abused (07:39)
22. BrainoilLucid Vision (03:30)
23. Cardinal Wyrm Enter the Eternal Fire (07:12)
24. Leila Abdul-Rauf11 Dark Hours Of Early Morning (05:24)
25. Serpent CrownVengeance of the Witch (03:43)
26. From HellAscent From Hell (06:31)
27. Ovvl – Chromate (04:23)
28. Hazzards CureTerminal Frost (03:11)
29. QepeBarely Register (04:27)
30. Badr VoguTraitor (07:57)
31. LarvaeThe Lost Await (07:06)
32. BloodmoonThe Singing Flame (07:40)
33. AbstracterCruciform (10:21)
34. IonophoreDuct (04:50)

dead in the bay



  1. Tracy Dunn Arrowsmith

    October 9, 2015 at 10:24 pm

    If anyone had an extra ticket for Saturday, I’m IN!

  2. Jamison Kester

    October 9, 2015 at 2:46 pm

    thank you Mattia.

  3. Matt Eiseman

    October 9, 2015 at 12:48 pm

    Our Drummer Kevin Swartz also equally helped out with the compilation. Thanks Mattia Alagna glad to have you be a part of this!

  4. Mattia Alagna

    October 9, 2015 at 12:44 pm

    Jamison Kester Matt Eiseman

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