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CVLT Nation’s Top 6 Power Violence/Grindcore Releases of 2014


When you think of Arizona, there are a few images that probably come to mind right away; cactus, guns, republicans, shitty weather, Jimmy Eat World (yeah that garbage band is from AZ), multiple beige colored buildings, Filibertos Mexican food, and of course Sheriff Joe Arpaio. If these are the things you and your dipshit friends associate with AZ, you have your priorities fucked up!! What you should be talking about is WOUNDVAC!! The Tempe, AZ band plays an excellent fusion of grindcore, thrash and death metal that will have you sacrificing your neighbors after hearing only one song.

Read Full Review Here, Written by Dylan D


 FIVE: SICK/TIRED – Dissolution

Do I have a full review of the new SICK/TIRED record Dissolution written? NO! I don’t need one to tell you that this band kicked ass with this release and deserve credit for wrecking shop on every fucking track! This is why SICK/TIRED’s album has made it on to CVLT Nation Top 6 Power Violence/Grindcore Releases of 2014 list…Now do your job and head over to A389 and pick this motherfucker up! I’m not sick & tired of SICK/TIRED because they fucking RULE HARD!



FOUR: COFFIN BIRTH - Necrotic Liquefaction

Coffin Birth is a three piece band from Brisbane, Australia who formed in 2013. Coffin Birth play a jaw-dropping and mind-numbing style of music that incorporates elements of death metal, grindcore, hardcore, and punk within their sound. Necrotic Liquefaction is the band’s latest nine song EP. Necrotic Liquefaction features nine tracks of ultra-brutal and punishing songs of chaotic death metal, grindcore, hardcore, and punk that’s devastating as fuck!

Text Pinched from Manic Compression




Read Full Feature Here Label: Headfirst Records


Our rad writer Mattia turned me on to this totally insane band from Pittsburgh called PURGE! What do they sound like? They sound like a storm of sonic death eating away at everything this fucked up world holds dear. They sound like MAMMOTH RAGING sound waves full of hate slapping cops in the grill! PURGE create songs that are full of everything thing I love in underground music.

Read Full Feature Here Label: Harm Reduction records

ONE: Full Of Hell & Merzbow

Merzbow has been active since before any member of Full of Hell was even born, creating dozens of albums and collaborations spanning the past thirty-five years. Despite his impressive catalog, his collaboration with Full of Hell is heavy with the latter, while rather sparse when it comes to Merzbow, as least as far the primary composition is concerned. That is not to say that the record is disappointing – in fact, it’s quite intimidating. This is Full of Hell at their best, creating a record of explosive fury that is truly relentless, with the record’s eleven tracks moving at a blistering pace. If violence had a definable sound, this would be it. Full of Hell has had a penchant for noise, as evidenced by their FOH Noise tapes and the styles heavy presence on Rudiments of Mutilation, making their team-up with Merzbow all the more sensible.

Read Full Review Here Written by Bruce…Label: Profound Lore




  1. Benjamin Cedotal

    December 23, 2014 at 10:43 am

    Although these are some pretty sick bands, I am pretty shocked at the absence of the following albums:
    Idylls – Prayer for Terrene
    Gridlink – Longhena
    Punch – They Don’t Have to Believe
    Blood Freak – Squalor
    Svffer – Lies We Live
    Piss Vortex – S/T

  2. Cedreek Zeefdruk

    December 16, 2014 at 3:17 am

    thank you for your selection
    i add warsaw was raw (fr.) sensitizer 2014 to your list

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