As a youth, listening to different punk bands from around the world, before the internet was invented, actually meant we had to use our imagination, because many times there were no pictures of the bands to go along with their music. For instance, I was a huge fan of the Wretched from Italy, or Anthrax from the UK, but for the longest I never knew what they looked like. If we did see photos back then, they were really bad xerox copies in Maximum Rock & Roll. This why is why now one of my favorite tumblrs is LONG LIVE DEATH by Ariane Smierci, which features vast amounts of rare photos of most of the 80’s European punk bands ie: Impact, Upright Citizens, Asocial, Anti Cimex, Axegrinder, Flux of Pink Indians, Dirt, Deviated Instinct, etc. So after the jump, step into the LONG LIVE DEATH looking glass!

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