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Death Metal

CVLT Nation Premiere:

The new VORTEX OF END track “FVLGVR LVX TERROR” is the fucking BOMB!!!! It’s an onslaught of blackened death metal that will have you asking yourself, why I have not heard of this band and when is their album FVLGVR.LVX.TERROR dropping? I will tell you – this insane record will be out on Aug 20th via Deadlight Entertainment and it will not disappoint. All I can do right now is keep hitting the replay button because I’m hooked! Now it’s your turn – press play below and hear why VORTEX OF END are nothing to fuck with…You will get hit in the skull by one of their sonic death blows! You can pre-order FVLGVR.LVX.TERROR HERE!





  1. Guillaume Martin

    July 23, 2015 at 11:19 am

    Amazing track and amazing band

    Can’t wait the new album.

  2. Daniel Davis

    July 23, 2015 at 3:00 am

    cant see a play button to press?

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