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CVLT Nation Premiere!
Streaming New KEEPER:
Four Walls; A Home

One of the greatest gifts that CVLT Nation has given us is to be able to collaborate with the people that inspire us to do what we do on a daily basis! Case in point is our new collabo label with Grimoire Cassette Cvlture called Grim CVLT. Our first release is a split between two of my all time favorite young bands: Old Witch and Keeper. To say that we are honored to be a part of this project would be an understatement. Both of these bands have created music that is fucking game changing, and both are pushing the genre of doom into unknown sonic territory. Today Grim CVLT would like to share with you the brand Keeper track “Four Walls; A Home” off the upcoming split – get ready for a 14 minute ride of punishing dirge that transforms into light! You can also listen to a stream of one of the Old Witch tracks here. The Old Witch // Keeper split is up for Pre-Order HERE and the official release date is July 15th. Real talk, these tapes are moving fast, so make sure you get yours before they are GONE…Respect due to Grimoire Cassette Cvlture, Old Witch, Keeper and you for listening…GET DOOMED!!!



1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Garret David

    June 24, 2015 at 5:30 am

    Keeper rule.

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