There is war going on in my head, and it’s caused by the unholy sounds of KHTHONIIK CERVIIKS. This band blew my fucking mind on many different levels with their first demo release Heptaedrone. Now they are back with their savage debut LP entitled SeroLogiikal Scars (Vertex of Dementiia) that kills the streets on Feb. 5th via Iron Bonehead Productions. I’m not going to put KHTHONIIK CERVIIKS’ sound into a box so it will be easy for you to digest, but I will say that their brutal passion is as infectious as the Black Plague. Stay tuned for our full review of SeroLogiikal Scars (Vertex of Dementia), but right now we are honored to be streaming their brand new song “Biinary Epitome (Spyder_s Web)” below…No false metal can withstand the power of KHTHONIIK CERVIIKS!
John Mosley
January 12, 2016 at 3:00 am
Cthonic cervix? Going to need a damn good OBGYN.